Start of my Weightloss Journey

by - 7:17 AM

2018 hasn't been a great year for me fitness wise. I started off the year 'injured', I put it in inverted commas like that because my doctor couldn't actually find anything wrong. After months of X-Rays, CT Scans, Ultrasounds, trying different drugs and physiotherapy the only thing they found was a benign enlarged lymph-node in my breast that eventually went down and nothing else. It was terrifying being a female and having chest pain and obviously like anyone else I thought the worst, but thankfully all seems to be great in my body, I just had random pain in my chest.

So for 6 months I got told no physical exercise, but walking, while they tried to figure this out. Cut to September 2018, now - I've barely worked out all year and I got in the wrong frame of mind. I thought well screw it, can't exercise might as well eat what I want. This is NOT the right way to think people! I've now gained so much weight and it's all entirely my own fault.

What have I done about it? Well I joined a 12 week bootcamp. Back to a group that helped me years ago lose weight and get fit. I enjoyed the sessions, I loved working with the trainers and everyone there was so lovely. 

My goals for the next 12 weeks:
  • STICK TO THE MEAL PLAN! I put this in capitols as I'm mainly yelling at myself. So many times before I wouldn't stick to it and then I'd get upset when I wasn't losing the weight I wanted and people around me lost 10kgs by week 6. Something that isn't in the meal plan but I know it will motivate me is a cheat meal. I've told myself if I lose weight at weigh in, on Saturday night I'll allow myself to have a cheat meal as a treat.
  • Attend at least 4 sessions a week. I know only attending 3 will barely move any weight, so I'm aiming for at least 4 but most weeks I intend to do 5 sessions.
  • Lose weight. This might seem obvious but I have some numbers in mind. By 6 weeks I want to have lost 5kg and by week 12 I want to have lost 10kg. I didn't want to give myself a big number, I knew if I did and I didn't get there I'd just quit. So I'm starting small and if I lose more weight than that's excellent.
  • Improve my fitness. I want to walk upstairs without feeling out of breath, be able to run a lap around the court without dying and be able to not take breaks during a session. 
Every week I'm going to write quick updates on here about how I feel, how much weight I lost (or gained...I hope not), what food I've been eating and the workouts. People might not event read this but it's here to help me and hopefully keep me on track.

So here we go, I'm ready to start my weight-loss journey.

Love, Ali

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