Week Three | 12 Week Challenge

by - 8:52 AM

Week three was a bad week.

I only did a lousy three sessions, even though I could've done four I was just being lazy. I had no motivation to exercise and all I wanted to do was sleep or sit at home and watch TV. The weekend prior to week three I did Relay for Life. I got no sleep over the weekend and walked over 40,000 steps in 18 hours, so that was the reason I had Monday off. But since Relay I just couldn't be bothered to exercise - I also knew I was going away to Sydney by the end of the week so all I cared about was that.

Unfortunately my random chest pain that I've been suffering with since October last year decided to come back in spectacular painful fashion, and sadly I couldn't get in to see my doctor for two weeks so I guess we'll wait and see what she says.

It was a bad week. Sure, I sort of stuck to the meal plan and I ate most the meals but I snacked a lot and reverted to drinking a can of soft drink almost everyday. It was just a week where I couldn't resist the yummy snacks in the house and I made bad choices, but at least I owned up to it and didn't hide it.

So week three was my first bad week. Lost motivation, wanted to eat anything and everything and to be honest just didn't care. By some miracle I still lost 500g and I don't know how. I'd like to say I hope week four will be better, but I'm away in Sydney until Wednesday so I don't really get back into it until Thursday and I doubt I'll lose any weight but I guess we will see.

Love, Ali

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