About Me

Hi, I'm Ali. Though I'm sure you've already figured that out from the title of my blog - welcome! I'm a 27 year old who has no idea what they are doing with their life, so why not blog about it. I'm from Australia, have a degree in Photography and Graphic Design and love to travel. If only money grew on trees I'd be out and about exploring right now, but alas it doesn't so I'm stuck working 9 to 5 saving for my next big adventure.

I've had blogs in the past, mainly throughout my uni days, and thought what the hell, let's try this again. This blog will contain my thoughts, the things I love and probably lots of Disney, sorry about that, but not sorry at the same time.

I thought this blog could accompany my Youtube channel (it's mcali187 by the way, my channel name, yeah I just stick with that username). I've been on YouTube since 2006, no joke. But only had the guts to start making 'proper' videos in 2015 - took me long enough.

This blog is secretly my excuse to get back into Photography, something I dearly miss and feel that I've lost touch with. You'd think doing a whole Photography degree would mean you'd take photos more - but it didn't.

Anyway, enough about me. If you want to know more go read my blog, I'm sure I talk about myself enough on there, oh and enjoy!

P.S If you want to contact me, drop me a line at mcali187@hotmail.com