Harry Potter and the Cursed Child | A Quick Trip to Melbourne

by - 6:00 PM

It was announced in 2018 that Harry Potter and the Cursed Child would be coming to Australia; so naturally, being a massive Harry Potter fan, I knew I had to see it.

My sister got onto the tickets as soon as they were released and waited in an online queue with what I assume was thousands of others. But she managed to snap up some tickets for February, actually for my birthday, and that's how I found myself in Melbourne a month ago.

Melbourne is a beautiful city, but to be honest I'm definitely more of a Sydney girl - mainly because I grew up out west of Sydney and have a tonne of family there, but none in Melbourne. So I was excited to venture down to Melbourne and do a few things, but I was mainly excited for a break and a holiday that involved doing very little.

And that is what Melbourne was, a great break doing very little. We of course walked around the city and ventured through the shops, not buying much as we are both saving, but it was nice to look. 

Of course our main reason was to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and it did not disappoint. I actually think I loved it more than when I saw it in London, but I also think I was so excited to just be in London that I didn't take in the play as much, if that makes sense. Anyway, I noticed far more seeing it a second time.

For example, I don't know if they changed the theatre in London - they probably did and I was just oblivious, but I noticed in Melbourne they changed the carpet just for Harry Potter, they changed the decorations in the theatre, they changed so much! It just blew my mind how much detail went into just preparing the theatre for this play.

The play itself was so amazing, mind blowing, fabulous and the greatest thing I've ever seen, yeah that's how I'm describing it. The actors were great and just seeing how they perform magic is mind blowing. I honestly recommend everyone to see this play, even if you aren't a Harry Potter fan, I still think you will walk away smiling and asking yourself what just happened.

For those wondering you can currently see this play in London (the original), New York on Broadway and Melbourne - that's it. So if you find yourself near any of those locations - go see it! You will not be disappointed and I could ramble on so much more about this extraordinary play, but we must #KeepTheSecrets.

One more thing about Harry Potter, I recommend seeing it on two seperate days. I watched both Part one and Part two in London all in one day, and it's a long day (but of course if this is all you can do, do it!). It was nice doing it over the two nights in Melbourne and I think being split over two nights on the second night everyone was just so much more excited, the atmosphere was unreal.

My sister and I also managed to play Pixar Putt while we were in Melbourne. It was down in St Kilda but I believe it is heading for Darling Harbour, so Sydney-siders get onto this! It was such a fun hour or so playing mini golf, and as a Disney fan I loved every hole. Each were themed to a different Pixar movie and it was so well done. Tickets weren't too expensive and I think it makes for a great family activity, or even date night, or even just a get together with friends.

Lastly I want to mention this amazing little Japanese restaurant we found in Melbourne. It is on Lonsdale Street and it is called Izakaya Chuji. Miki and I were so lucky, we found the restaurant on Google and decided to head there, thankfully somewhat early. We rocked up, no reservation and got the last table. We watched so many people get turned away - which is always a good sign because it means, you got a good restaurant. If you love Japanese food you will NOT be disappointed. My sister loved it so much she is now obsessed with Asian food, whereas in the past I had to drag her to an Asian restaurant, so I highly recommend.

Below are a few snaps I took while away, so enjoy! I also vlogged this trip, which we can over on my YouTube channel.

Love, Ali

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