Week One | 12 Week Challenge

by - 10:03 AM

Week one is done and dusted. So I thought I'd write a quick recap of the week that was.

I made five sessions this week! So for week one I've smashed my goal of attending at least four sessions in the week. I trained Monday - Friday, giving myself the weekend off to rest.

On our first day we did fitness testing, and my fitness is absolutely appalling now. Below is what I achieved:

Plank - Held for 50 seconds.
Crunches in 1 min - 33
Push Ups in 1 min - 15

I didn't even attempt burpees as I hate them, I'm completely unfit and going up & down so much can give me head spins. So for week one I didn't attempt them. Fingers crossed by week 12 I can look back on these numbers and hopefully there will be a noticeable difference. 

For the first time ever I stuck to the diet and surprisingly it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Sure it was a lot of lean meat and salad but I didn't want to kill people at work like I thought I would. 

It was so difficult when others at work had the nicest looking lunches or my family had yummy dinners and here I was stuck eating lean meat and salad, but hopefully in 12 weeks time I see a physical difference.

Did I crave chocolate etc? Sort of. Not as much as I thought I would but definitely when I saw my family members eating it, all I wanted was a piece. I was also surprised that all week I didn't have full strength Coke or Pepsi. I'm terrible and would normally have a can a day, sometimes two, and I know soft drink (or soda) is one of the worst things to be putting into your body. I had 2 cups of Pepsi Max throughout the week, so the low calorie soft drink, and I sort of feel bad for it but oh well I did it.

Overall week one I felt sore, I hated waking up early for morning sessions but then by the time I got there I loved it, I didn't like not eating anything I wanted but didn't hate what I was eating and I lost weight - thank god!

I've put together a weight tracker below and every week I'll update it so you can see how much I've lost. Now, onto Week 2!

Love, Ali

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