An Interview with Myself: 26 Questions on my 26th Birthday

by - 6:00 PM

So I did this last year and I sort of like the idea of continuing to do it, answer the same questions but add another one each year. 

This year I'm 26, and I said it last year and I'll say it again - I don't really like birthday's. I'm more of a Christmas person compared to a birthday person.  But 26, wow. I'd have hoped to be in a relationship by now, and probably moved out of home but that's not how things have panned out. I'm happy, so that counts for something, but in reality I'm still fumbling my way through life - aren't we call?

Anyway, here are my 26 questions on my 26th birthday.

1. What is the date and time?
Wednesday 21 February 2018, 5:25pm.

2. What is the weather like?
Well it's still super hot in Townsville, but it's summer so what do you expect. To be precise it's 29 degrees outside.

3. What's the last movie you saw?
Vampire Academy. I was in the mood for some trashy flick and it popped up on my Netflix so I thought why the hell not - I still want to read the books.

4. What was the last song you listened to?
Mr Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra. For some reason this turned into the tune my friend and I listened to repetitively on my Europe trip. It also reminds me of Baby Groot, and who doesn't want to think of Baby Groot.

5. What do you do for living?
I finally have a full time job guys!! No more contracts, no more wondering if I'll have a job in a month of two. I still work with websites and social media, digital communications. And in my spare time I like to work on websites (such as my blog) and social media (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram). So my life revolves around the internet.

6. Do you want children?
Still want children, yes. Just once again, need to find a partner.

7. What do you see yourself doing in the next year?
Working, working and working. 

8. How do you feel at this moment?
Tired, very very tired. I got a little amount of sleep last night.

9. How often do you laugh?
Most days, if not every day. I laugh at myself, with people at work, with my family - so yeah I laugh.

10. Do you have siblings? How many?
I technically have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I say technically because my oldest sister is my half sister and I don't see her much. My 2 brothers are only half brothers but I don't think of them like that, they are just my brothers who I see all the time and love dearly. And then there is my little sister, she is the only sibling where we have the same mum and dad.

11. When was the last time you cried?
At the doctors - I know shame. But I was truly terrified about some results I was getting back and apparently I wasn't the first one to cry that day.

12. What do you do in your spare time?
I still do the same. Watch YouTube, watch Netflix, edit videos, write this blog or scroll through Twitter.

13. Picture yourself in 5 years from now.
Hopefully married, not living at home with my parents and maybe with a kid on the way.

14. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
Yeah I still drink water straight up. Seriously, before I even scroll through my phone I'm looking for water.

15. What are you thinking just before you go to bed?
How much sleep am I going to get if I go to sleep now. I said the same thing last year, I still think the same.

16. How do you travel to work?
With my dad :) Car pooling is great, and I don't have to pay for parking.

17. Name the thing that annoys you the most.
Right now, it's that the UK get amazing deals to Disney World and I can't book them. I get it, they are closer but still frustrating.

18. Do you regret anything?
I said no regrets last year, but I have regrets. I regret not sticking to a diet and exercise and allowing myself to continually lose a little bit and then gain again. 

19. What is your favourite meal?
I still love Asian food, ah damn it's so good.

20. What is your favourite movie?
Right now, my favourite probably is Moana.

21. Do you drink alcohol?
Still don't drink alcohol, still tastes like crap.

22. What are you proud of?
I still struggle with this question. I'm not really proud of anything I do. But I guess I'm proud of my YouTube channel and proud of the videos I create.

23. If there is one thing in your life you'd want to change right now, what is it?
That I didn't have Bursitis in my left arm and could make the pain go away.

24. What are your thoughts about turning 26 today?

25. Sum up your life in one sentence.
Eat, sleep, travel, repeat. 

That is still very relevant.

26. What's the best thing that could happen to you right now?
My dad gets a clean bill of health, he is a cancer survivor and undergoing some tests right now so naturally I'm a little worried.

Love, Ali

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