Top 5 Must Do's At Animal Kingdom

by - 5:00 PM

Top 5 most do's at Animal Kingdom - before we start the list I'll start off by saying this is my least favourite Walt Disney World park #sorrynotsorry. Also note, when I made this list I hadn't seen the Tree Awakening, Rivers of Light or Pandora. But any way here's the list - enjoy!

Conservation Station

Conservation Station is predominately a place to get up and close to animals - you can even feed them and pet them! I also really enjoyed the train ride you take out here. It's just a cute experience away from the park, and yes believe it or not I like this better than the safari - that's just not for me. 

Festival of the Lion King

Dancers, acrobats and singers, this show has it all. It's my #1 must see show at Animal Kingdom so if you can only spare enough time for one show, do this one. Plus who wouldn't want to sing along to the Lion King songs.

Expedition Everest

I love rollercoasters! So of course this had to make my list. The theming throughout this ride is spot one! Everytime I go, I notice something different. I have to do this ride at Animal Kingdom, yeah it makes me feel a bit airy afterwards but I love it. Plus, you get a great view from the top - so make sure you look around!

Kali River Rapids

Let me start off by saying my number one and two can switch easily, it depends on the weather. I'm a sucker for water rides, they will always be close to the top of my list. This is a great rapids ride, yes you will get wet but it's a great family ride and even better when you need to cool off.


I was petrified when I first went on this ride, mainly because I had no idea what I was in for. But this is one of those rides you can enjoy with the whole family and dinosaurs have always been a favourite of mine so maybe I'm biased. I think I'm probably one of the only people who'd have this as a number 1, but I don't care, I love it.

We're not gunna make it, we're not gunna make it!

And you're welcome! My top 5 at Animal Kingdom. With Pandora now open this list would definitely be completely different, but let me know in the comments below what your must do's are at Animal Kingdom.

All these images are from the Walt Disney World website.

Love, Ali

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