Goals of 2019

by - 5:00 PM

2019 - it's here. Does anyone else find it mind-blowing that next year is 2020. Because I think that is what freaks me out most about it being 2019 this year. Anyway, enough of my brain vomit - let's talk goals.

I like having goals, it gives me something to work towards. I guess these could also be known as New Year's Resolutions but I don't want to put that pressure on myself so let's just say these are my goals of 2019.


Put away at least $200 a week into my savings account. I'm very fortunate to have a well paying full time job and have the ability to still live at home with my parents (even though I'd love to move out) but this gives me the ability to save and travel so much. I should probably start saving for adult things, like a house, so I'd like to at least save $200 a week.


Reach 1000 subscribers on YouTube. I'm well aware it shouldn't be about the numbers, but at the same time I'd love to see my channel grow. I have so many ideas and truly it just comes down to my laziness or being so time poor that I don't get to do a quarter of the videos I'd like too. So I'm going to put more effort into filming videos, including trying weekly vlogs, and work on improving my editing skills. 


Every year I say I want to read at leat 10 books, and every year I completely and utterly fail - but not in 2019! I will read 10 books and finally tick off some of those books I've been wanting to dive into for the longest time. You'll be pleased to know I've already started a book this year and I'm more than half way through - for those wondering it's Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan, absolutely amazing so far and different from the movie.


Cut back on the take away. I cave into how easy and fast it is to just order take away food. Don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for ordering take away and I'm not going to cut it out completely, but I need to cut down. This will not only save me a heap of money but it will also mean I'll be cooking my own food a lot more, and that food will be healthier than a lot of the crap I get as take away for convenience. 


Walk my dogs. I know, I know, I'm a terrible dog owner. I just get so lazy when I get home from work that I can't be bothered to take them for a walk - and then late at night I feel so bad. So I want to walk my dogs at least twice a week. They should definitely probably be walked daily (well one of my dogs has a hip problem so she can't really walk that much), but I'll start with twice a week first and work my way up. 

Just to clarify, they do get walked, but it's more like once a week or once a fortnight if I'm a real terrible dog owner.

And there we have it, my goals of 2019. I didn't want to make the list too long as then I'd probably just have more things I didn't achieve by the end of the year - I'm a total pessimist I know. 

Don't forget to share your goals in the comments below!

Love, Ali

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