An Interview With Myself: 27 Questions On My 27th Birthday

by - 11:09 PM

Another year, another birthday. Let's answer some questions.

1. What is the date and time?
Thursday 21 February 2019, 11:43pm - yes my birthday is nearly over!

2. What is the weather like?
Lovely! Currently in Melbourne and it's a refreshing 17 degrees celsius outside.

3. What's the last movie you saw?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - currently watching it so it counts.

4. What was the last song you listened to?
I Want To Break Free - Queen, thank the movie Bohemian Rhapsody for that.

5. What do you do for living?
I still work in Digital Marketing, websites, social media and stuff.

6. Do you want children?
Yes, still want children, still need a man.

7. What do you see yourself doing in the next year?
Working, travelling. Maybe finally meet the man of my dreams? Wishful thinking.

8. How do you feel at this moment?
Amazing, excited and tired. I just got back from seeing Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Part One for a second time and it still blew my mind.

9. How often do you laugh?
Still everyday, normally at myself.

10. Do you have siblings? How many?
I need to get rid of this questions because it can never change.

I technically have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I say technically because my oldest sister is my half sister and I don't see her much. My 2 brothers are only half brothers but I don't think of them like that, they are just my brothers who I see all the time and love dearly. And then there is my little sister, she is the only sibling where we have the same mum and dad.

11. When was the last time you cried?
I teared up during the play, it's Harry Potter I couldn't help it.

12. What do you do in your spare time?
Watch YouTube, read, sleep.

13. Picture yourself in 5 years from now.
Once again hopefully married, or close to being married...maybe.

14. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
Normally curse at my alarm for going off.

15. What are you thinking just before you go to bed?
What do I have to do tomorrow, and then I continue to make a list in my head and then I over think a million things and this is why I don't sleep properly.

16. How do you travel to work?
Car pool with my Dad. Save on petrol and parking.

17. Name the thing that annoys you the most.
Right now? People who always one up you or claim to know better, try and change your opinion - that annoys me.

18. Do you regret anything?
I try not too, but don't we all regret something?

19. What is your favourite meal?
Anything asian, particularly Chinese food.

20. What is your favourite movie?
Even though I love Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and so many more films - I freaking love Twister!! I will never get sick of that film.

21. Do you drink alcohol?
Nope, tastes like crap.

22. What are you proud of?
Right now, nothing.

23. If there is one thing in your life you'd want to change right now, what is it?
My weight. I try and I try and I try (stole that from Queen), but I love yummy food too much and I'd rather starve than eat healthy all the time.

24. What are your thoughts about turning 27 today?
I'm old and alone. I seriously thought I would have achieved more by now.

25. Sum up your life in one sentence.
I still stick by Eat.Sleep.Travel.Repeat.

Travel is all I have to live for.

26. What's the best thing that could happen to you right now?

If I could drop a heap of weight that would be amazing.

27. What celebrity do you currently have a crush on? (I decided to make this year's extra question interesting)
Currently I'm a tad obsessed with Tom Holland. Even though he is younger than me, he is just so damn cute.

Love, Ali

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