Week Five | 12 Week Challenge

by - 9:02 PM

Week five is over and well I lost weight, but not as much as I'd have liked but really that's my own fault.

Damn, they really jumped up in intensity this week. We had 45 minutes of non stop working out, no rests, just go-go-go! It was good, at the time it felt like it was dragging on but afterwards I felt amazing. 

Now this week at the beginning of the week I was lazy. Monday was a public holiday and I declared it a PJ day, so there was no way in hell I was leaving the house to go exercise. Tuesday I attended a session and then on Wednesday I woke up to intense neck/upper back pain - which is actually quite common for me and usually get's really bad every few months, so it was due to play up. I then had Wednesday off work, so naturally I didn't attend a session. Instead I did a 5km slow paced walk with the family and my dogs. Thursday I went to a session and Friday I couldn't get to sleep the night before so when my alarm went off at 4.30am and I'd only had 3 hours sleep I definitely rolled over and went back to bed before work - I can't make any other session on a Friday due to work. So then that meant Saturday was my third and final session of the week. 

Really what I'm getting at here is it wasn't the best week and I only attended three sessions. I would've done four, had I not been in pain on Wednesday but oh well.

It's getting harder and harder to stay on track. I'm over just eating meat and salad or meat and vegetables and sadly it's getting to the point where I'd rather not eat. But, to lose weight this is what you got to do so I have to stick to it even though I'm pretty much hating life right now and only look forward to my Saturday cheat meal.

I snuck a few treats in this week too which isn't good and definitely doesn't help the weight-loss but I was hangry okay.

So another 600g down. Not the best after the week I had but it was still a lose which I should be happy about, but it makes it hard when you see others losing big amounts weekly. I'm just feeling sorry for myself this week, hopefully next week will be better.

Love, Ali

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