The Year That Was 2016

by - 4:00 PM

Above is my top nine photos from Instagram for 2016. I love that every shot (but one, even though it was bought on a holiday) revolve around travel. I did do some travelling in 2016...I went on a 5 week holiday to America, but really it was just one big Disney trip I'm not going to lie.

I went to New York for the first time, in winter I might add which killed me (even though I like the cold), and realised that I actually really love that city. You know how some people always say I need to go to New York in my lifetime, well I never thought like that. But after going, I do want to go back, such a beautiful city however next time I'll go in spring or something.

I also went on my first Disney Cruise and I don't think any other cruise line will ever compare. It was an added bonus that I got to experience Star Wars Day at Sea too, all memories I'll never forget.

I then spent 10 days at Disney World, it still wasn't enough time, but I got to stay on Disney property for my first time and now I don't see how I'll ever not stay at a Disney Resort. It was also my first time eating at the many restaurants Disney have to offer, which ended up being one of my favourite things about my entire Disney World trip - visiting the different restaurants.

Then I went to Seattle, it's pretty but I can now say I've been there. Not sure I'll ever go back...

Finally I finished up in LA down to Anaheim to go to Disneyland for the first time (you can really see how this was a Disney trip) which was amazing! Knowing it was Walt Disney's first park and just taking in all its history was so magical.

I'd have to say that trip was definitely my favourite part of 2016, how could it not be? I did so many firsts, experienced many different things and had an amazing time.

I also went on a short 4 day cruise in 2016, just up the east coast of Australia to Moreton Island. It was nice, relaxing and spent with family.

So yeah, I did do some travelling in 2016 which makes me so happy. My goal in life is pretty much to always have a holiday planned, something to look forward too. I actually feel very lost when I don't have anything planned. I guess I'm very lucky that as a kid I was taken on many holidays so as an adult is something I'll continue to do.

What else did 2016 bring? Not much else. I have a full time job, but only on contract, so I have lots of uncertainty around that. I didn't lose weight, like I'd hoped, my weight did go up and down like a yo yo though. I did get a new dog, dogs make me happy. I'm still single, I think I always will be #foreveralone. And my parents built a new house...I guess that counts as something cool because I still live at home. Yes, I still live at home. Why? I like to travel. Living at home means I can save my money and travel, not spend a tonne of money on rent. Plus, I'm single, I have no one relying on me so for the time being it just makes sense to stay at home and keep doing things for me.

So 2016, you were a great year, the first half was definitely better than the second half, but still you weren't bad. Here's to hoping 2017 is also a great year, filled with lots of travel and happy times. 

Love, Ali

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