Hello Blog

by - 5:57 PM

Welcome to my first blog post! Hopefully with many more to come.

I'm Ali, obviously. 24 years old living in the land down under, also known as Australia. So I've had blogs in the past, but as per usual I neglected them...oops. I'm going to TRY not let that happen to this one.

So what will be on this blog? Well my life, my thoughts, my travels. I aim to post at least once a week, and if you get more than that well then damn that's just an added bonus.

I studied Photography for 3 years at university and perhaps this blog can help me to get back into taking photos, even if it is just of random objects or myself.

I really want to get across that everything you read on here is MY OPINION, which hell sometimes it might not be 'right' but it's mine and you are most definitely welcome to think differently - after-all everyone is entitled to.

I'm really looking forward to writing again and hope you enjoy the posts to come.

I'd be very interested to see who does read my blog, so if you do please leave a comment below!

Love, Ali

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