Christmas 2016

by - 6:00 PM

Christmas was very different at my house this year, how? Well we moved houses on Christmas Eve. So Christmas Day was spent unpacking the kitchen just so we could cook. I can't say it was a terrible Christmas, it just wasn't my usual sort of Christmas.

I really wanted to create a What I Got For Christmas video for my YouTube channel, but we've pretty much been unpacking every day since and I really haven't felt like sitting in front of a camera filming. So I thought, why not show all my presents on here!

I love watching videos like this on YouTube so why not blog about it, maybe you will find it interesting/useful. I  really enjoy watching them for ideas or just pure curiosity. I really want to stress that I'm not bragging about my gifts or trying to make people feel bad. As I said above, I just truly enjoy seeing stuff like this and if you don't, then simply - don't read any further.

So without further ado, What I Got For Christmas... P.S I'll try add the websites to where I got these items from, obviously I didn't buy any of this for myself so there are some items I have no clue where they came from.

Letter A Light
For the longest time I wanted an A either plain or as a light, and I was lucky enough to receive this for Christmas. It already looks amazing on my new desk at the new house and it's so bright! This is from Typo, in case you're not from Australian and have no idea what that is - it's an amazing homewares/stationery shop.

TV Shows
I'm a massive American Horror Story fan and already own seasons 1 -3, so I pretty much needed this to add to my collection. Yes, I'm one of those people that once I've bought one season...I need to own the rest, even if I get bored with the show my collection has to be complete.

Outlander, I've never seen it. But it's been on my to watch list forever. I always told myself I'll read the book before I watch the TV show. I always prefer to read the book before seeing the TV show however I feel like I'll never get around to reading it so perhaps I'll just watch the show already.

I always get a new calendar and diary for Christmas, and hell this year I even got two calendars! I freaking love stationery, it makes me so happy - I think that's my inner OCD coming out. I love to be organised, and write down important dates. All of these beautiful items were also from Typo.

Mickey Mouse Marquee Light
So if you didn't already know, yes I love Disney. I can't describe how happy I was to receive this, it's beautiful and I didn't even know I needed it until it was in my hands and I was like - yes, perfection. Oh and yes, this is also Typo. Do you think I like this store? Haha.

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish
I never thought I'd be one of those people who wanted makeup as a gift, but I am and this is one of my favourite presents. This is in the colour Soft & Gentle and is a beautiful gold shimmer. I bought the colour Lightscapade earlier in 2016 and loved it, seriously this is the best highlighter I've ever used. I went shopping with my sister this year sometime to try and find a gift for her friend and found this and I've wanted it ever since. Lightscapade is very white in colour, and I fell in love when I saw this gold based highlighter.

The Bronze Palette | Kyshadow - Kylie Cosmetics
If you follow me on Instagram I'm sure you're aware I have a pretty big Kylie Cosmetics collection. When this was released I wanted it ASAP, I'm all about those bronze tones for eyeshadow (even though I'm not so good at it). I can't wait to start playing around with these colours.

Phone Holder
Yes, a very simple gift. But when I take my dogs for walks I'm getting really annoyed by having to shove my phone down my bra (TMI I know) but really, it just gets very sweaty and gross. So I'm more than thrilled to finally have an arm band for my phone, and look I can even fit a key in there!

Disney Backpack
I'm sorry, but is this not the greatest backpack ever?! Well it is to me. Backpacks are my life, I could really just own a massive collection. This was my favourite thing about highschool, buying a new backpack every year - seriously that was just the greatest thing ever. I can't wait to use this beautiful backpack, it's just pure amazing.

Midnight Fantasy by Britney Spears Perfume
I could never turn down new perfume, to me it's like that essential item every girl needs but I can never be bothered to go buy it myself (unless of course my stocks are critically low). At least I go into 2017 smelling good.

Disney Travel Cases
You can never not have enough little cases to hold things in. I find these so useful when travelling. I often use them to hold makeup, chargers, cables etc. And that little coin purse is fabulous for just that, holding coins! You can really see the super organised person in me coming out... And wait did you guess where these are from? Yes, Typo.

And that's a wrap! Let me know your favourite Christmas gift below, doesn't have to be from this year, I'd love to know!

Love, Ali

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