New Year's Resolutions

by - 6:00 PM

Everyone has them right? At the start of every year, usually while in the shower (come on that's where most great thoughts happen) you make a list of things you want to do/achieve in the new year. 

Well here is a short list of the things I want to achieve in 2017...

1. Eat Healthier
I swear every year I tell myself 'this is the year Ali, you're going to lose all that weight' and then my weight-loss goes up and down like a yoyo throughout the entire year. So this year I'm not focusing on losing weight, this year I want to change my eating habits and eat healthier.

How will I do this? Well I'm not 100% sure yet. But the first thing I'm going to do is say NO to all that crap take away food I eat just because it's convenient and cheap. Say goodbye to burgers and chips from greasy fast food outlets and start liking to cook more at home. I really want to get into the habit of meal prepping all my lunches for the week and writing a meal plan at the start of every week so I know exactly what I'll be eating.

Yes I will still go out to dinner, or places with friends but my main aim is to stay clear from that crap take away food. And may I add, if I'm on holidays I will be eating bad - I want to enjoy myself if I'm on holidays and not worry about what I'm eating.

The positive's from this is that I'll hopefully begin to feel better about myself, I'll be eating better for my body and hell I'll hopefully save some money.

2. Weekend Vlogging
Take a look at my YouTube channel and you will see I joined in 2006...that's 10 years ago! I always wanted to make YouTube videos but when I was younger I firstly didn't have much confidence in myself and secondly have you been to Australia? Our internet speeds are literally one of the worst in the world - so uploading a video was a god damn mission (didn't help that the area I lived in only had crap internet).

But now after a year or so of putting videos up, I want to vlog my weekends. Why weekends? Well for me to be a daily blogger I think I'd put you all to sleep. My Monday - Friday is the same week in and week out, nobody needs to see that. So I thought I'd share the most interesting part of my week, my weekend.

Not only in years to come do I want to look back on these videos and see exactly what I was doing and when but I also just really enjoy watching vlogs. They are my favourite 'type' of YouTube video to watch, so keep your eyes peeled for my first weekend vlog coming soon! I promise I can only get better.

3. Read Books
I love reading! I just don't get to do it enough. No joke, I can name over 50 books that I want to read but never got around to it. So in 2017 I want to read at least 10, which seems like an easier number but I know me and I know that will be struggle. But hey, maybe because I've put a number on it I'll hopefully end up reading more. Fingers crossed.

Let me know in the comments below what your new year's resolutions are, I'd love to know!

Love, Ali

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