Vlogging My Disney Holiday

by - 6:00 AM

For people who don't know, I vlog and have a YouTube channel. I by no means claim to be good at it, but I've always enjoyed editing videos so a couple of years ago I decided to give it a shot.

Some may think, why vlog your holiday? I do it for myself, for the people I travel with and for my family and friends so they can see what I get up to. Having other people watch it is an added bonus. If I can make someone smile or give them some information they didn't know before, then I'm pretty happy. I also really enjoy watching other people vlog their holidays, I find they give a real honest opinion and you can learn so much from watching them.

So this post is to let you know that my first vlog from my latest Disney Cruise + Disney World holiday is now up and ready for all to enjoy! So if you feel like watching it, Day 1 is below. But before you do a disclaimer - I enjoy my holiday first and foremost, I just happen to be holding a camera in my hand, so my footage isn't always the greatest, I really try not to live through a camera. 

So sit back, relax (maybe grab some food and a drink, it's 27 minutes long!) and enjoy Day 1, Travel Day of my latest Disney trip. 

Want to watch more? Check out the playlist.

Love, Ali

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