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Disney Trip 2017

So in September and October I finally went back to the most magical place on earth, and a Disney Cruise. I had the most amazing 3 weeks with my sister and cousins, and I'll forever cherish the memories we made.

I know a lot of people say 'isn't Disney for kids?' Well no, it's not. It's my happy place and why wouldn't I continue to go back to somewhere that makes me smile and yes, it makes me feel like a little kid. Not to mention it's 5 star service, every cast member is beyond amazing, the parks are breathtaking and don't even get me started on the resorts.

I can't wait to go back someday, next year would be amazing but I'm not holding my breath. Next time I'd love to go at Christmas time. I freaking loved the Halloween decorations and the party, and I seriously can't wait to see it and the most wonderful time of the year, and my favourite time of year - Christmas.

Also, I vlogged my entire trip! Vlogs are coming out weekly, so if you're interested go check out my YouTube channel.

Stranger Things

This show is everything! Okay, if you haven't watched it yet - spoilers up ahead.

I binged this show for 9 hours straight immediately when it was released on October 27, at 5pm in Australia - which really was the best time cause it meant I could come home from work and stay up till 2am taking it all in, and take it all in I did.

Firstly, we can forget episode 7. I get they wanted to introduce another girl that was in the same place as Eleven, but I hated it, and I think I'm not alone. The only good thing to come out of this was El's new Bitchin' look.

Next can we talk about how adorable Hopper and Eleven are?! Ugh, he is just looking out for her and it's so beautiful and you know he looks at her like a daughter now - like the one he lost. I just can't even. I hope in the next season we get to see more of them together. Their scenes literally were amazing, even when they fought and Hopper had no chance standing up against El's powers but he stood firm like a father would and deep down you knew everything he was doing was for her.

Okay, now let's talk about the BEST MOMENT OF THE ENTIRE SEASON! Mike and Eleven's reunion. OMG, just perfection. The look on Mike's face is everything - seriously Finn is an outstanding actor, hell all the kids are - wait no the entire cast is amazing. But Finn and Millie just nail it. I cried at this moment. I knew it was El outside, and just seeing Mike and seeing them hug, just talking about it makes me want to watch it again. I hope in season 3 we see them together more. In season 1 I loved every scene with the boys and El, and I really missed this in season 2. It killed me I had to wait until the end of episode 8 for a god damn reunion!

Alright, let's talk Steve. I loved him in season 1, but this season he was just on another level. And how dare Nancy dump him!? Okay, I get it she feels something for Jonathan, but please how could you not love Steve? Especially after he turns into the best babysitter ever and helps the kids kick ass. And when he is giving Dustin advice and at the end Steve is the one that drives him to the dance - oh god, I lost it. I love the 2 of them. He better stick around for the next season. I need to see more Steve hanging with the kids. And maybe he can get back with Nancy?

Okay, and you can tell I could keep going on forever about this show. So I'm going to stop now. But if you've never watched Stranger Things, get off this blog now and go start binging. Seriously best show ever in the longest time!

Song of the Month

Praying by Kesha

This is such a powerful and beautiful song. So glad Kesha is back, her voice is unbelievable and I can't wait to hear her other songs.

Love, Ali

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