Beauty and the Beast | Movie Review

by - 6:00 PM

Image Credit: Disney

 Wow. Breathtaking. Perfection.

In three words that is how I would describe this movie. I had such high expectations for it and it lived up to every expectation I had. So let's talk Beauty and the Beast, the live action.

Emma Watson was/is the perfect actor choice for Belle, come to think of it I have no idea who else could have played Belle she did it so well. Now I may be biased, I love Emma Watson, as a massive Harry Potter fan how could I not love her? But she truly did this role justice.

The scene I highly anticipated was the Be Our Guest scene, and boy did it deliver. I sat in the cinemas silently singing along trying not to cry at how perfect it was. It was my favourite song form the original, so I only prayed I would love it as much in this movie, and I did - if not more! The colours, the singing, man just the entire scene, words can't explain.

And I can't forget the ballroom scene, as pictured above, that was just breathtakingly beautiful. Whereas Be Our Guest was upbeat, funny and made you want to dance, The ballroom scene made you really fall in love with Belle and the Beast, if you didn't love them already. And her dress! Gosh, if only I could wear a dress like that one day to waltz in, absolutely stunning!

Josh Gad as Lafou...brilliant. I didn't take much notice of Lafou in the animation, he was there but he wasn't a big part of the film for me. In this movie, Lafou was everything. Hell, I loved Lafou more than I loved the Beast. His one liners had you in fits of laughter and just the way he held himself, man I just loved Lafou. Thank you Josh.

In the animation I hated Gaston, he was boring, up himself and I couldn't care less about him. But in the live action, I loved Gaston. He was hilarious, still up himself as you expect from Gaston, but man he was just on point. Another brilliant casting.

Lumiere was always my favourite between himself and Cogsworth in the animation, but in the live action Cogsworth stepped up. Many of his lines had me in fits of laughter, and I can't deny that Sir Ian McKellen is one of the greatest actors ever - so of course he played the part perfectly.

Overall it was a brilliant film with dazzling effects and amazing cinematography paired with an excellent cast - if you haven't seen it, what are doing? Watch it now!

Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on the movie, I'd love to know!

Love, Ali

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