Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas | Book Review

by - 6:00 PM

Meet Celaena Sardothien. Beautiful. Deadly. Destined For Greatness.

In the dark, filthy salt mines of Endovier, an eighteen-year-old girl is serving a life sentence. She is a trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake. She got caught.

Young Captain Westfall offers her a deal: her freedom in return for one huge sacrifice. Celaena must represent the prince in a to-the-death tournament - fighting the most gifted thieves and assassins in the land. Live or die, Celaena will be free. Win or lose, she is about to discover her true destiny. But will her assassin's heart by mended?

This book was recommended to me ages ago by a friend, so I made sure I added it to my ever growing To Read book list. I was excited to read it as my friend, and other people (YouTubers/Bloggers), loved this book so much. I was even more excited to pick it up after reading A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas, it was in that book series (man I can't wait for the third book!) that I really enjoyed her writing style and decided what the hell so bought the entire Throne of Glass series, well what was published anyway.

I dove into this series having so much hope for it, and then couldn't get through more than a few chapters at a time. The first 100 pages took me over 5 months to get through! I just couldn't get into it, but I kept reading, praying it would get better as everyone said it was amazing. This is always my biggest problem, I always give a book at least the first 100 pages to excite me, if it doesn't I don't read it anymore.

Thankfully it was around the 100 page mark this booked really picked up, and then I wasn't able to put it down and literally read the rest of it within 24 hours. Now if I can read a book (or at least the majority of it) in that short amount of time, it's a great book in my eyes. Sure I struggled through the first 100 pages not being able to get into it, but I can assure you if you have the same problem - keep reading!

This book had mystery, magic, humour and love all thrown into one. Celaena is such a badass warrior who has clearly gone through some terrible stuff in her life time, I love her attitude and love that she isn't just some young girl who wants to be saved, she knows what she wants and she goes for it. So if you're a lover of Fantasy/Young Adult fiction with a very strong female lead - read it!! I'm currently reading the second book and it's even better, plus no slow start.

If you've read the book let me know your thoughts in the comments below, I'd love to know what other people think about it.

I've left the link to Book Depository below so you can find the book, and no I'm not paid by them or anything, it's just the website I use to buy all my books. I've also left my Goodreads account link so we can be friends!

Love, Ali

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