I LOVE ♥ | APRIL 2018

by - 5:00 PM

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The Crown
It's like every month I have a new TV show I'm addicted to and this month it's The Crown, I know I'm incredibly late to the party. I actually started watching it in Europe, but only got 2 episodes in and then I was too busy to watch anymore.

When it first got recommended to me, what feels like years ago, I thought I would hate it as I've never been a massive fan of the royals, nor do I care much for what they do etc. But then I watched Victoria so I thought what the heck lets give it a shot - and friends, it has not disappointed.

Every episode leaves me wanting more: the acting is amazing, the script so well written and I know it's not all true and most likely highly dramatised but I don't care, it's damn good drama. I'm currently up to episode nine of season one and can guarantee once I've finished writing this blog post I'll be back to Netflix watching more.

Gold Coast Commonwealth Games
So I got my sports fix by watching the Commonwealth Games for nearly two weeks. Every night, and even at work, I was watching. For some you may think, wow you actually care? Yeah for some reason when the Olympics of Commonwealth Games are on, my family watches it. From swimming to cycling, netball to athletics - I watch it all.

Now not trying to take away from the near two weeks of amazing sport that was played but the closing ceremony, my friends what was that? It was like watching an incredibly slow train-wreck and there was nothing that Australia could do but sit at their televisions shaking their head in disbelief - or some were like me venting on Twitter. It was so bad, the organiser even had to apologise. The best part of telecast was the commentators ripping into the ceremony at the end, if you want to watch something funny go find it on YouTube.

Now why am I adding this to my monthly favs? Well the Comm Games was something I loved about April, I just couldn't not mention that horrendous ceremony, if it even was a ceremony.

Song of the Month

Levels by Avicii
After sadly hearing of the passing of one of the greatest artists I've ever seen live I've been listening to a heap Avicii songs. Levels takes me back and is just such a banger I've pretty much had it on repeat. I'm so grateful I was able to see this talented young man play live and I'm saddened that we will never get to hear another amazing Avicii tune.

Love, Ali

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