The Disney Tag

by - 5:00 PM

So I thought I'd do a fun blog post this week and while looking for some fun tags I found this Disney Tag on a blog, Somehow I Manage. If you enjoy this tag make sure you do it and let me know so I can see your answers, enjoy!

1. Favourite Disney movie?
Ugh, what a question to start with. I don't think I can I say I have an overall favourite movie, but I go through phases of watching some repetitively and at the moment that's still Moana, so lets go with that.

2. Favourite original Disney character? 
DONALD DUCK! I love that duck.

3. Favorite Disney princess?
Ariel from The Little Mermaid. She became my favourite when I was little and I wqas obsessed with swimming, becoming a mermaid was a dream.

4. Favorite Disney sidekick?
Okay, this is a hard choice. But it's either Mushu from Mulan, because he is a dragon and is hilarious OR Pegasus from Hercules, he can fly guys! I can't choose just one.

Wait, I just thought of another one (I can have three right?), Pua from Moana! He is so damn cute.

5. Favorite Disney song?
This is much like my favourite Disney movie, it changes constantly. But right now my favourite Disney song is Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride from Lilo and Stitch. It's such a happy song, everytime I turn it on I just want to dance.

6. Which Disney character would be your best friend? 
Genie. He is absolutely hilarious, gives great life advice and would always have your back.

7. Who would be your Disney pet?
Nana from Peter Pan, I love her.

8. Have you ever been to Disneyland?
Yes, I went for the first time in 2016 and I was lucky enough to be there during their 60th celebration. Not sure if I'll ever be back because I love Disney World too much.

Oh, I've also been to Tokyo Disneyland and Disneyland Paris if that counts.

9. Which Disney character is your alter ego?
I struggled really hard with this question and after much consideration I'm just going to go with Sleepy. Mainly because I'm tired as hell right now, and I feel like we are on the same level with loving sleep, haha.

10. Who is your favourite Disney villain?
Hands down Maleficent! She is just the best villain in my opinion.

11. Do you collect anything Disneywise?
Do Mickey ears count? Every time I go to a Disney park I get another pair of ears or maybe two.

12. What Disney film would you star in if you could?
Pirates of the Caribbean, just because it'd be awesome to be a pirate.

13. How old were you when you watched your first Disney film?
Um I don't remember, I grew up with Disney videos so I just feel like I've been watching them my whole life.

14. What do you love about Disney?
I love that no matter what Disney makes you feel young and takes you right back to your childhood. I also love how magical it is. The things that they do which sure has a logical explanation but at the time it feels like magic, and I like how that makes you feel.

15. Who is your favourite Disney couple?
It has to be my favourite princess, Ariel and Prince Eric. So cute.

Okay, there you go. I struggled a bit but I got there. If you do this tag let me know in the comments below so I can go check out your answers!

Love, Ali

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