I LOVE ♥ | MARCH 2018

by - 5:00 PM

Top 4 Instagram Snaps

Vampire Diaries
I love The Vampire Diaries, well at least I did when it first came out, let's not lie to ourselves it really started going downhill from about season five. So I started re-watching the entire series, mainly because season eight finally became available on Netflix Australia and even though it literally made me fall asleep in season seven, I have to finish the series.

Before we go any further, I'm a Stephan fan and nothing you say will change my opinion. Maybe that's why I also started disliking the show - haha. I also know how the show ends and I'm not happy about it.

But re-watching it from the beginning has made me fall in love with the show all over again. I forgot so much had actually happened and it's been good to watch it again. 

Instagram Stories
I remember when Instagram Stories first came out and I hated it, why did they do that when we all had Snapchat? Well the tables have turned, I don't know many people that still use Snapchat and I don't either - besides to use their filters to then post on Instagram Stories (c'mon Instagram pick up your filter game). 

But Insta Stories have really grown on me, only downside is it takes me forever to catch up with everyone's stories at the end of the day. Anyone else loving Insta Stories over Snapchat?

Song of the Month

River by Eminem ft. Ed Sheeran
So this has been the song I've been blaring in my car for the past month. I love Eminem and then throw in an Ed Sheeran chorus and you have a pretty damn perfect song.

Love, Ali

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