Things I Wish I Knew Before I Went to Disney World for the First Time

by - 5:00 PM

Over the years I've finally learnt how to navigate Disney World, not fully as I'm still always learning about new things and not to mention Disney is constantly changing or updating things, but I wish before my first trip I did so more research and learnt a thing or two.

So if you're reading this before your first time, congratulations on doing the one thing I didn't really do - research. Anyway, in no particular order here are the things I wish I knew before going to Disney World for the first time.

Take a rest day
This is so very important. Most people go to Disney World for long periods of time, as most of the guests are international and at the time they think it will be their one and only trip to Disney World - unless you get addicted like me and keep going back, RIP bank account.

Anyway, if you fall into this boat please plan a rest day! And I don't mean a shopping day, I mean a day of no parks and lazying round the pool. Sleep, relax and enjoy your hotel. A Disney World holiday can be quite non stop, you feel like you have to do everything (you don't by the way, and you can't unless you're staying for over a month) so after a couple of days you can already begin to feel run down. It's so incredibly important to rest your body so you can keep going for the rest of your trip and number one so you don't get sick!

Download My Disney Experience, it helps!
I can't stress enough how amazing and helpful this app is. Before your trip download the My Disney Experience App, create an account (if you haven't already) and explore. Everything you need is on this app - wait times, maps, photos, FastPass+ information, restaurant reservations and so much more!

Don't fear about not having data either, Disney World has great FREE WIFI, yes free! Sometimes it may drop out, but 95% of the time it works.

So I mainly use the app for wait times and to keep track of my schedule. There is nothing worse then standing in a park not knowing what to do next, well this is where I'll take a seat and see what rides have short queues, I've noticed the app is usually pretty accurate to what the wait time says out the front of the ride.

I'm also constantly on the app checking what time my FastPass+ reservations are and when my dining reservations are, not to mention booking extra FastPass+ reservations once I've used my 3 for the day. So please download this app and have it on your phone, it's literally a life save - or at least a good time saver.

Memory Maker is worth it
I'm a photographer, but I don't know about you but I hate carrying a big bulky Digital SLR around the parks. Insert Memory Maker. You can purchase this before your trip for $169 USD (as at April 2018) and receive all your attraction ride photos and videos, any PhotoPass photographer shots (they are located everywhere throughout the parks and some resorts, literally walk up and ask for a photo, it's their job they will do it), Magic Shots (these are really cool and unique) and dining shots (some restaurants may have a photographer to snap some happy snaps).

What does all this mean? You can leave the camera at home (or hotel), or at least only take it for a day to get some shots if you really enjoy taking photos of the scenery. I'll never do a trip without it again.

If you're anything like me during my first time you're probably thinking I'm speaking another language, seriously what the heck does FastPass+ mean? Well my friend, let me make your day it means you can skip the queue. Yes, I just typed SKIP THE QUEUE!

How does one receive this awesome gift? Easy, you just need park tickets. Once you have park tickets you can make your FastPass+ reservations! And no, it doesn't cost extra.

Staying at a Disney hotel? You can book your FastPass+ reservations 60 days in advance (it's one of the perks). Not staying at a Disney hotel? You can book 30 days in advance. I could do a whole blog post on this alone, what FastPass+ reservations are best to get, what each park offers but I'm not here to write that right now. What you need to know is you can book 3 a day in one park, yep you can skip the queue on 3 rides and wave at everyone as you walk by in your shorter queue giving you more time to do other things - you're welcome.

Advanced Dining Reservations
More commonly known in the Disney community as ADRs. The first time I went to Disney World we didn't eat in many restaurants, why? They were packed! Apparently you needed a reservation, and months in advance at that.

You can book dining 180 days in advance, and some restaurants will book out this early - I know what the heck, who is that organised. Well, you might have to be if you want to eat at a Disney restaurant. And is it worth it? 100% YES! I honestly can say eating all the Disney food is one of my favourite things now.

Prepare for lots of walking
And by this I mean lots of walking. On one of my Disney days I walk over 20,000 steps - some days pushing 30,000. So maybe so it's not quite a shock to your body, start doing some walking at home before you go. Also, wear comfortable shoes - I can't emphasise this enough. Don't wear new shoes unless you have already broken them in, otherwise you will get blisters and it will hurt.

Read blogs/watch vlogs - RESEARCH!
Congrats if you've never been to Disney World and you're already reading this. You're doing one thing I really wish I'd done - research! You don't have to go over the top, but it can be really be helpful. 

Personally I enjoy watching vlogs. You get people's honest opinion and you can learn your way around and see what they do and get a better understanding of how Disney World works. And now for a shameless plug, I've vlogged my last two trips which you can check out on my YouTube channel.

Arrive early, go home for a nap
Big kids need naps too. I love hitting the parks, using my FastPass+ reservations, eating lunch and then going home for a nap. If you're anything like me and prefer the night, please do this. Take a nap, energise yourself and hit the parks back up for the night for dinner and some night entertainment - fireworks etc. And if you don't nap, maybe just go for a swim, watch the TV - the break is nice.

Staying on property? Make use of Extra Magic Hours
If you are staying on property use extra magic hours. All the parks take a turn at having extra magic hours, some times in the morning and sometimes at night. You can get so many rides done in this time, which means during other times when 'everyone' is there, you can do other things and not waste your time standing in queues.

Take a poncho
And lastly, keeping this one short and sweet. It can rain unexpectedly at Disney World, please carry a poncho - you'll thank me later.

Wow, that was a lot of typing. Anyway I hope I've helped you, I wish I had've read all this before my first time so I'm only hoping I can help others now. And if you're reading this and you've been to Disney World before feel free to comment below with what you wish you knew before you went to Disney World, I'd love to read what others think.

Love, Ali

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