Top 5 TV Shows

by - 5:00 PM

We all love a good TV show right? Something we can sit back and binge watch while getting lost in the story line or drama. And there are some TV shows that I could just watch again and again. 

So I thought I'd put together a list of my Top 5 TV Shows - these are in no particular order because I can't choose a favourite and there are plenty more I could add to the list but these would be the first 5 I mention currently.


I'll forever be a Survivor fan. You are reading about the person who has watched all 36 seasons (well one is still currently airing) including the Australian versions. To me this is the original reality tv show and is by far the best.

I don't know what it is about this show but I love it so much. I love watching people strategise, and seeing blind sides play out and hell I even love Jeff the host. If you're into reality tv and never watched it then you need really need to watch it.

Gossip Girl

When this show first came out and everyone was obsessed with it I refused to watch it out of principal. But then I had surgery and was stuck at home so my friend bought over season one for me to watch, and then I was hooked.

I just had to know who Gossip Girl was and I was so invested in finding out what happened to the characters. I own every season on DVD (who watches stuff on them anymore am I right?) and I also not so long ago just rewatched the entire series.

I was actually happy with the outcome of Gossip Girl and the entire show, I'd also happily watch an episode at anytime.

The Vampire Diaries

Okay I admit, I haven't seen the last season - but I'm working on that as I type this! Rewatching the entire series just so I can watch season eight and finally finish this series.

The first 4 seasons were amazing! And rewatching it has reminded me how much I loved this show, I admit it went downhill in the last few seasons, hence why I haven't finished yet. But I still love it. And in case you're wondering I'm a Stefan fan, and nothing you say will change that.


A new favourite show that I wasn't expecting to love as much as I do, but it's seriously made me love British royalty and I want to know everything about Queen Victoria as she seemed pretty freaking amazing.

The show is well written and not overly dramatised, I feel when I watch it that this stuff could've truly happened, not to mention the actors are perfect in the roles.

Stranger Things

Oh Stranger Things, my newest obsession. I love that this show has such an 80s vibe, but it's pulled off incredibly well instead of tacky. Once again I heard the hype, and in my head I was thinking there was no way it can be that amazing, yeah I was wrong.

The characters are amazing, and the actors do such a fantastic job - especially those kids. I just love everything about this show, the storyline, the way it was filmed, the vibe, the music - yeah, everything.

Did I binge watch the entire second season when it came out on Netflix? Yes I did, a nice solid 10 hour binge on the couch after work and now I need season three.

So let me know in the comments below what your favourite tv shows are, I'd love to know!

Love, Ali

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