My Travel Bucket List

by - 5:00 PM

I've been fortunate enough to travel to many places in my short 26 years of life, but here are the places I still hope to get to one day.


Preferably by cruise ship, because I absolutely love cruising. I've always wanted to tick this ice kingdom off my list - imaging sailing through massive ice mountains admiring the fjords, glaciers and national parks.

Machu Picchu

I love ancient history, and I still remember the day in class my history teacher showed us Machu Picchu for the first time, I was awestruck. How did such an ancient civilisation build this amazing city on top of a mountain? Who knows, but I knew I had to go there. Hopefully one day I can get fit enough to do the trek up the mountain.


Main reason to visit Finland is for the Northern Lights, and to stay at that amazing resort where you sleep in clear igloos. Ugh, so absolutely stunning. Can you imagine lying in bed and looking up into the clear night sky.


I can't wait to visit Canada one day. The stunning mountains, aqua clear water and never ending forests are all things I want to explore. I've also never skied before and I feel like Canada might be the perfect place to do that for the first time.


Santorini looks absolutely stunning! The white buildings scattered across the side of the island, the beautiful blue water and just the views in general. Imagine waking up and seeing that beautiful skyline, while also spending your days swimming in the ocean and enjoying the local cuisine - bliss!

Disneyland China (Hong Kong & Shanghai)

Did you really think I'd do a travel list and not include some Disney? Well these are my last two Disney parks to visit and then I can say I've been to all of them. Not to mention I'd also love to explore around China, everyone has to see the Great Wall of China in their lifetime right?

There are many more places I want to go but these are the ones that are at the top of my list. If you've been to any of these places let me know, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Also, let me know in the comments below what places are on your travel bucket list.

Love, Ali

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