Snapshots from Disney World

by - 5:00 PM

Most of you will know I went to Disney World last year in Sept/Oct, and if you didn't well now you do. I made the long trip over to America with my sister and two cousins, a girls trip, and it was amazing and everything I hoped it would be.

You may or may not know that I studied photography, so taking photos is always something I will do. Even though I can't be bothered to carry around a massive DSLR camera for quality shots, I still think I got some good ones with my little Canon G7X. 

Before I go, I did vlog this entire trip, so if you're interested head over to my YouTube channel to watch and see what we got up too!

These photos are in no particular order and are a mixture of both shots I took and photos we got from Memory Maker (yes, it's worth it!), a small handful of my favourites. Enjoy!

P.S Sorry it's taken forever to get this blog post out.


Love, Ali

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