Time To Get Fit

by - 8:00 AM

So, it's that time of year again - time to start getting fit.

I've signed up to another bootcamp. Another you say? Yes, this is my 5th or 6th, who knows I've lost count. You're probably thinking do they even work? I know they do, I just don't stick meal plans or eat healthy - it's always my biggest downfall.

I really do enjoy bootcamp though. I enjoy being pushed, enjoy the atmosphere and enjoy the exercise. I don't enjoy weighing in every week, it truly is the most depressing part - especially since I know my eating habits are crap. I would love to be one of those people that just eat a salad and be really content, but I'd rather starve then eat a salad - you literally don't make friends with salad, or at least lettuce, yuck lettuce, and just lots of it is in salad and then it's just gross and boring and a whole lot of nope.

But, I will try harder this challenge. I need to. I pay all this money, stay on track for 4 - 6 weeks and then I just kill someone for chocolate and a decent meal, I can't do that this time. It's time to be more strict, not fall off track and enjoy eating healthy.

My goals for this 12 week challenge is:

  • Attend 4 sessions a week, they are only 45 minutes - 1 hour max, that's it.
  • Not go off track with my food. I will treat myself, because I know me, if I don't I'll lose it and give up. So every week I will get a 'cheat' meal to reward myself.
  • Meal prep, meal prep, meal prep!! I will spend my Sunday's and/or Monday's creating my lunches for the week - no going off track at work, which I find incredibly easy to do.
  • Lose weight. I will lose weight, believe it or not there have been challenges where I haven't lost weight but that will not happen this time! I will lose weight, it doesn't matter the number, I'll just lose something.
  • Begin to enjoy exercise. Instead of looking at exercise as a chore, I want it to be something I look forward too, something that will make me happy.
  • Never say I can't or take the easy option. Obviously without injuring myself or making myself violently ill I will work harder, not just take the easy option because I can or say I can't do it - because I know I can.
Fingers crossed I pull this off - I'll update you at the 6 week mark and let you know of my progress. Until next time.

Love, Ali

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