I LOVE ♥ | JUNE 2018

by - 5:00 PM

June is over already, can you believe it? It is seriously so scary how fast the year goes by and I find that the older I get the faster it goes, does anyone else feel like this?

Anyway, here are some of my favourite things from the month of June.

Top 4 Instagram Snaps

Colder Weather

By some miracle, winter came early this year where I live. You're probably thinking, but Ali it's June, it's already winter so it didn't come early at all. You'd be right in thinking that, but I live in the tropics of North Queensland and usually we don't get 'winter' until July and it last's for only a week. But this year the weather gods graced us with cool weather early and many nights in June were spent snuggled on the couch in a blanket.

The coldest it got to at night was 4°C and then during the day it was still hitting our usual 25°C - 27°C. It was just so nice and now July has started and it's only getting down to 18°C at night, and I want it colder.

If you couldn't tell I love the cold, it also allows me to wear some of my jumpers/hoodies, I own too many of them and never get to wear them since I live in one of the hottest places - not a wise choice by me.

Basin Bath Bombs

Thanks to the lovely cold weather I've been enjoying more baths than usual. It's strange, when I was younger I used to hear adults say 'I'm so excited to have a bath' and I used to think that was the weirdest thing ever - how could someone be excited for a bath?! But then I got older and I realised baths are so relaxing and lying in a bath doing nothing is one of the best things in the world, younger me would completely disagree.

Anyway, while at Disney World last year in October I visit Basin and spent too much money, but it was worth it. I bought one of their Bath Bomb Barrel's and during June I was able to use so many of them it was amazing. There is just something about adding a bath bomb to your bath and watching it slowly fizzle away, making it smell amazing and leaving the water a really pretty colour.

Ugh, I'm sort of disgusted in myself that I've become this person but no regrets, baths and bath bombs are the best.

Love Island Australia

I talked about this show last month but that's it, it's finally over and it literally took up my entire June. I fell so behind on my blogs, vlogs and other TV shows all because of this show. I had to watch it at 8.30pm Sunday - Thursday and obviously had to join in on the Twitter chat. I apologise now if you follow me on Twitter and had to deal with my copious amount of tweets.

But it was just so good! My favourite part was the voice over guy and the Twitter chat, and I loved complaining about people I don't know but judged anyway, I give all the contestants massive props, I couldn't do that. But last night the couple I wanted to win, won and I couldn't be happier. It was Grant and Tayla by the way which was such a weird turn of events because in the beginning I really disliked them.

Anyway, I'm going to miss this show, I'm going to miss the Twitter chat and I can't wait to watch it again next year. Was anyone else horrible addicted? Or maybe your from the UK and you're addicted to your own version? I've been avoiding it, I can't get sucked in again.

Movies at the Movies

I went to the movies a lot in June, well maybe not a lot but two movies in one month is a lot for me. Obviously I had to go see The Incredibles 2, we'd been waiting over 10 years for that movie and it did not disappoint. In my opinion, it was better than the first, I know a bit controversial but I think the story-line was better and it was by far more funnier. 

It was funny, my sister and I got to the cinema about 40 minutes before the movie was to start. We grabbed some drinks and popcorn and waited for our cinema number to be called. Due to going on opening night a massive queue formed behind us - keep in mind this was 8.30pm on a Thursday night. A guy came out of his cinema to use the restroom and on the way back he walked up to my sister and I and asked what the queue was for and if something special was happening. The look on his face when we replied with 'we are all just here to see Indrecidbles 2' was hilarious. I don't think he expected to see a queue of 100 adults waiting to see a 'kids' film, yes there were no kids there - it was fantastic.

I also went to see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. I love all the Jurassic Park movies as I grew up with them, so of course I feel the need to watch the new ones. It was your typical Jurassic Park movie, but it made me cry - a lot! I never thought I'd cry so much for an extinct species that no longer walk this planet, but I did and I know I wasn't the only one. Still even though I was bawling, it was a good film, nothing mind blowing but it was what I expected so I was happy.

Song of the Month

All the Stars by Kendrick Lamar ft. SZA

I kept hearing this song on the radio and it took me forever to realise it was the song played during the credits of Black Panther. I might've killed this song during June I played it that much.

Wow, I think that was the most I've ever written! So let me know in the comments, what were some of your favourite things during June?

Love, Ali

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