New Year's Resolutions for 2018

by - 5:00 PM

Well here we are again, another new year, another new years resolutions list. Did I stick to my 2017 list? No, not really. But I did try I swear!

Here are my 2018 new years resolutions, that I hope to try and achieve this year.

1. Weekend Vlogging (and actually stick to it!)
So in 2017 I tried weekend vlogging for the first time, and it started off okay but then I just started to get real sloppy. This was a resolution last year, so this year I hope to actually try and stick to it.

Of course I know there will be some weekends where I just can't vlog, but I'm truly aiming to try and vlog most weekends, at least more than last year anyway.

So if you want to keep up with my fabulous (lol, jokes) life, then subscribe to my YouTube channel!

2. Blog at least once a week
So I tried to blog last year, but let's be real, I was slack. I have so much I want to write about, but then I get tired and just can't be bothered - not this year! I plan to put out a blog post at least once a week, and finally get some blogs that I've had sitting in draft forever out to the world.

3. Read!!
This is another resolution from last year, I wanted to read 10 books - I only got through 5. So this year, instead of saying I don't have time or I'm too tired I will pick up the book and try to even read a chapter. 

I actually love reading and have over 50 books on my to read list but I'm just lazy. So instead of Netflix, YouTube or mindlessly scrolling through social media I will instead pick up a book every once and awhile.

4. Say yes to going out more
I've noticed I like saying, 'oh sorry I'm busy' a lot, even when I actually have nothing planned. I've found myself in a rut, where on my weekends I prefer just to sit at home and watch TV instead of going to a friends house or going out to dinner. So this year I will say yes to more things, and actually get out my house and socialise in my spare time. 

5. Get in shape
Okay so this one makes the list every year, but I really do need to stop making excuses. It's time to hit the gym or if I'm too busy at least take my dogs for a walk and do something active. This year I will attempt to do something active at least 4 - 5 times a week.

5. Go to bed on time
I'm making it a priority this year that on work nights at 9pm I put down my phone and turn off the TV. I need to get more sleep and have a better quality of sleep, so after 9pm if I'm not tired I can read but that's it. Hopefully this will also help me get into a routine and then be able to wake up at a decent hour where I can have breakfast before work - because I do skip it a lot, oops.

Let me know what your new year's resolutions are below, I'd love to hear what you'd like to achieve.

Love, Ali

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