I LOVE ♥ | JUNE 2017

by - 12:00 PM

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A Court of Thorns and Roses Series

I finally finished this series - and wow, did this series end with a bang!

This series took you on a crazy adventure, but I loved every minute of it. If you love fantasy novels and you're yet to read this book, go buy it now. I went from loving one character, to then hating them and loving another, my emotions went all over the place. 

If you don't know what this series is about well, it's about a young girl named Feyre, who pretty much does everything for her family. One day she is out hunting and she kills a wolf, but it wasn't just a wolf, it was a faerie. So of course she gets taken from her home by a high lord of the land where fae live. She then falls in love, finds out secrets and defends this land she barely knows.

I'm super bad at describing things but trust me, it's amazing. Also I'm so in love with Rhysand (Rhys) from this series ugh god, he is just amazing.

Time off Work

I finally had a week off work - and it was amazing! I hadn't had at least a week off from work since May 2016, so I was pretty damn excited about it. 

My family from NSW came to visit and we didn't do much, just hung around the house and occasionally ventured off elsewhere. I forgot how good it felt to do nothing and have no alarm set for the next day. Safe to say it was a great week.

I enjoyed my week off so much that for two weeks after it I'd barely been on social media, edited no videos and didn't write any blog posts. It was a good reminder that sometimes it's good to step away from everything, take some mental health days and don't put any pressure on yourself.


I have a love/hate relationship for this show. 

Let me start by saying I loved the books by Cassandra Clare. I remember when the movie came out and I was so excited, only to be left disappointed - let's be real, it wasn't a great movie. But, at least the movie actually sticks to the storyline, unlike the TV show.

Okay, I get it. Often TV shows are different from the books but they changed so much in this show to me it barely resembles the books that I love. But, I still watch it, and it came back in June. I think I keep hoping it will get better and scenes from the book will finally make it into the show and well because I damn love Clace...but it still disappoints. Every. Damn. Time.

I'll still watch it though, even though I need to be honest I'm not that impressed by it. Like I said, love/hate relationship.

Song of the Month

Touch by Little Mix

Little Mix are really killing it right now - they have so many good songs!

Love, Ali

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