Halfway Through My 12 Week Challenge

by - 6:00 PM

Wow, 6 weeks have already past since I started my 12 week challenge. So now I'm halfway, have I kept up with my goals?

Attend 4 sessions a week. There has been two weeks when I've only done 3 sessions, however with good reason! Both times it was due to sickness, which sucks but if I had of went I know I would've made myself worse. In saying this, if I haven't been able to do 4 sessions I always made sure I tried to fit in more dog walks at home or home workouts.

Not go off track with my food.  Well, food is always my downfall. It's so damn hard to say no to the yummy morning teas or snacks at home. I have said no more than usual but I'm not going to lie, some days I have a bad day and eat I just something crappy. But compared to other bootcamps I feel like this has happened less, so I'm happy with myself in that aspect.

Meal prep, meal prep, meal prep!! I have vastly improved compared to other challenges with this. Every week I sit down and write what I'm going to eat and meal prep my lunches for the week, so we can tick that one off as a success.

Lose weight.  I've lose weight, but do I wish I'd lose more - of course! Someone doing my challenge has already lost 15kg!! Yes, 15kg!! Yet here I am, even on weeks when I stick 100% to my diet, attend 4 sessions and work my ass off, lucky to lose 500g a week. I know people lose weight differently, and I've been told many of times it's better to lose it in small amounts but it still doesn't make you feel that great about yourself. This aspect has always been the hardest for me. Unfortunately, or fortunately - depends how you look at it, we weigh in weekly. Sure it's great for accountability, but when you go to weigh in thinking man I must have lost a heap this week, I feel so good, I've eaten well, worked out and then you stand on those scales to see you've maintained or lost 100g. Yeah, not disheartening at all. 

Begin to enjoy exercise. I do enjoy exercise and my fitness has improved drastically however I always get home from work and say 'man, I'd rather just watch tv' but I don't. I get dressed, drive to bootcamp and afterwards I feel great for it.

Never say I can't or take the easy option. I can confidently say I've done this. Unless due to limitations and injury I've always tried my hardest and taken the harder option. Even if after a few reps I've then had to modify, at least I tried instead of not trying at all.

After saying all this I can confidently say my fitness has well and truly improved. Week 1 I could barely run a lap around the court without begging to stop, whereas now I can run heaps of laps without needing to stop - hell I even took my puppy for a 5km walk and ended up jogging a lot of it. My clothes feel looser, although the scales are not showing that as much as I'd hope, I can tell I'm losing something because my clothes are not so tight anymore.

I think it's important to remember it's not all about the scales, it's about how you feel and how easier the exercising is getting. At the end of these 6 weeks I can sit back and say well at least I showed up and worked hard, I know how much easier it would've been to sit at home and watch tv instead.

Love, Ali

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