An Interview with Myself: 25 Questions on My 25th Birthday

by - 10:00 PM

You know how some people get excited for their birthday? I've never been one of those people. I don't know why, it's just never phased me. 

Now you're probably wondering why my cake above doesn't have Happy Birthday Ali on it, well...a couple of years ago my work colleague knew my birthday was coming up but noticed I didn't make a big deal of letting everyone know. So the day of my birthday she bought in a cake that just said 'Ali Is Awesome' which I liked far better than the standard Happy Birthday. It was only fitting that this year my cake read '25 Still Awesome'.

So I'm 25, a quarter of a century. When you're younger you think by the time you reach 25 you'll be married, have a full time job and a house. I have none of those things and still fumble my way around, which I'm not mad about in any way it's just funny that when you're young you build this perception of what life will be when you're older and the only thing I'm really nailing at 25 is travel, which I am definitely not complaining about. 

So for my 25th birthday I thought I'd answer 25 questions, mainly just to capture my thoughts and how I felt at this particular time, like a time capsule, only online. I found other blogs where people answered a heap of questions so I've picked questions from all over the place to answer. So without further ado, 25 Questions on my 25th Birthday.

1. What is the date and time?
Tuesday 21 February 2017, 9:09pm.

2. What is the weather like?
Hot! I currently live in Townsville, North Queensland and it's never not hot. Plus it's been raining on and off so the humidity is ridiculous. I prefer colder climates.

3. What's the last movie you saw?
The Blind Side. I was flicking through the channels the other night and noticed it had just started - such a brilliant movie.

4. What was the last song you listened to?
Rey's Theme - John Williams from the Star Wars: The Force Awakens Soundtrack. I love movie scores, and I'd like to let you finish but John Williams is the best composer of movie scores of all time! No seriously though, John Williams music is amazing.

5. What do you do for living?
Well currently I'm on contract and work with websites and social media. And in my spare time I like to work on websites (such as my blog) and social media (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram). So my life revolves around the internet.

6. Do you want children?
Yes, eventually. Just need to find a partner first...

7. What do you see yourself doing in the next year?
Working and saving money to travel. Lot's of travelling will happen in the next year.

8. How do you feel at this moment?
Tired, yet epic. Only epic because I'm listening to movie scores and the song I just listened to was really dramatic.

9. How often do you laugh?
Every day. I make myself laugh, the people I work with make me laugh and my dogs are ridiculous and make me laugh.

10. Do you have siblings? How many?
I technically have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I say technically because my oldest sister is my half sister and I don't see her much. My 2 brothers are only half brothers but I don't think of them like that, they are just my brothers who I see all the time and love dearly. And then there is my little sister, she is the only sibling where we have the same mum and dad.

11. When was the last time you cried?
The other day while watching the Blind Side. A tear always rolls down my cheek when Michael is so happy because he has his own bed.

12. What do you do in your spare time?
Uh, what everyone else does? I catch up on tv shows, watch movies, read a book or if I'm behind on my blog posts or YouTube videos I work on those.

13. Picture yourself in 5 years from now.
Married, maybe with a kid on the way. If not I'll most likely be looking forward to my next holiday.

14. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
Drink water, before I die. Seriously that's how I feel in the morning if I don't get water ASAP.

15. What are you thinking just before you go to bed?
If I go to sleep now, how many hours of sleep will I get before I have to wake up...seriously, every night I ask myself this question.

16. How do you travel to work?
With my dad :) Car pooling is great, and I don't have to pay for parking.

17. Name the thing that annoys you the most.
It really annoys me that because I live in Australia I can't get things posted to me or delivery is through the roof expensive. I swear just because I live I Australia I pay more for everything. Well that's how I feel anyway.

18. Do you regret anything?

19. What is your favourite meal?
Asian food. Any sort of Asian food, just not Sushi.

20. What is your favourite movie?
Well staying away from movie series or trilogies - it's Twister, hand's down.

21. Do you drink alcohol?
Nope. Just don't like the taste.

22. What are you proud of?
I struggled with this question. What am I proud of? I'm pretty proud that at the age of 25 I can say I've travelled to a heap of countries and been on over 12 cruises...I think it's 12, I've lost count. I've also been been to 3 Disney parks and only have 3 more to get to and then I can say I've been to them all, that's something to be proud of right?

23. If there is one thing in your life you'd want to change right now, what is it?
My damn neck/shoulder/upper back problem! I don't think a 25 year old should have so many problems but here I am.

24. What are your thoughts about turning 25 today?
I can now hire a car without paying a fortune, and my insurance company trusts me more now. That's pretty damn exciting.

25. Sum up your life in one sentence.
Eat, sleep, travel, repeat.

Happy Birthday to me!

Love, Ali

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